As we move deeper into the 21st century, cannabis legalization and decriminalization is beginning to take hold throughout select pockets of North America.

Within the last few years, pot smokers have seen a number of US States turn completely legal, while our neighbors to the North and South begin to transition into more relaxed cannabis legislation. In Canada, new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promises to get start on the issue of cannabis reform “Right Away”, while Mexico’s highest court declared that the illegality of cannabis is highly unconstitutional.

As the truth behind marijuana finally begins to emerge, more and more North Americans are echoing support for legalization efforts.

Via the full article on

In a recent survey cultivated by Morning Consult, 55% of registered voters in the U.S. raised their hands to the idea of bringing a swift and concise end to marijuana prohibition. In November 2016, Arizona, California, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, and Nevada will all vote to legalize recreational marijuana. And if the fresh crop of recent polling data is correct, greater access to legal marijuana in the U.S. could soon become the new norm. (*More 2015 polls showing support for legalization: Gallup 58 percent support legalization; Pew 53 percent support legalization; CBS News 53 percent support  legalization.)

For lifelong stoners this news is music to our ears….but the fight is not yet won! Be sure to support and vote in your communities to expand the continued exoneration of cannabis.

For a full breakdown on changing demographics in the fight for the legalization of marijuana, head on over to the full article on

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Colombian Government takes steps to fully legalize medical cannabis.